Friday, June 6, 2008

starting off

so i'm not sure if i think blogs are really that cool. or necessary. but i do lots of things, and enjoy lots, that aren't at all necessary. and that probably aren't cool. anyway, i'm gonna give it a shot. just like we all did with facebook when it was a little new and weird....and some of us with myspace, as well. all dis mess. i definitely like to write and read what other people write, so it should be fun. :)

i just got home from IMPACT, a Christian leadership camp in Toccoa. it was amazing, as usual, and the Lord used a lot of people in some really neat ways to minister to high school students from all over the state. something that was really tight (a word that i overuse, and is probably old school.....i am aware....but love it anyway) was that Mike, our speaker, really gets it. my heart was overjoyed when i heard him speaking to students that our generation has a task- a task that hasn't necessarily been modeled for them in the church-- but a task of loving the people around them so much that Christ is undeniable, and that people start giving church a chance again. Mike challenged them with the whole "let's get our hands dirty" idea that i think our generation has embraced for a while, and many churches have also embraced. the pendulum has swung back and forth many times, i'm sure- there is nothing new under the sun-but i like where it's swinging now. i like that these teenagers are really accepting others and loving others in their differences. they will be effective in ways that will look new (sadly) to so many Christians and non-Christians. it will be powerful. it already is powerful.

my summer so far started with camp, and so i haven't quite had a day to myself yet. this summer will be spent figuring out what's next. ahg. i have no idea... and am learning to be ok with that, while at the same time, hoping to take some practical steps to make SOMEthing happen in the next few months....something hopefully that I will enjoy more so than teaching. i'm still trying to enjoy the journey and not be anxious about bills, saving money, medical insurance, and roommates. my heart is set on being atlanta bound....but who knows. i don't want to "write" it down in my mind and then get mad when i have to erase it. so i'm trying to be as open as i can to what God might take me to next. i love that matt papa and his band have written some amazing songs that are very missional and about going where God leads- giving up the american dream, offering up our lives as living sacrifices. that's what I want to do. i need His help.

i think blogs are supposed to be shorter than this one, and a little lighter. i'll try to do better. not that i can even predict who will read this among my friends and...semi-friends (the internet ones...) ha.

i'm going to go spray some more ants, because they took over my house when i was at camp.

1 comment:

Hollie said...'s your blog! write what YOU want to write! And don't worry what others think! I like it... it's tight! :)