Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's the little things...

So I bought some Aussie shampoo and conditioner today. I always read the descriptions on the back of shampoo bottles, even though my hair stylist friends say none of the non-salon products do what they claim to do, and they all contain basically the same dulling, wax coating ingredients. Never the less, I read before buying, to see what these products claimed to do.

I giggled at the phrases on these bottles.....reminded me of Coca-Colas Vitamin water bottle flavor descriptions. Also giggle worthy.

Aussie Volume Shampoo:

Directions: Apply to wet hair and work it like you want it. Then rinse it like you don't.

Aussie Moist Conditioner:

So your hair walks into a bar and says, "I'm parched! Pleeeease give my hair a drink to quench its thirst!" "Right away," says the tender as he slides the Moist Conditioner accented with Aloe and Jojoba Oil. It's not funny, but it works.

Directions: Try to contain your laughter. Work conditioner through clean, damp hair. Rinse and commence laughter.


Jordan said...

I love this!!! hahahahaha!!! I laughed while I read it... hm... have I rinsed yet?? ;)

P.s... Do you ever get the word verification for leaving a comment on a blog RIGHT the 1st time? 'Cause I don't. Pooey.

Karla said...

that is hilarious!