Friday, December 26, 2008

information and ideas

sometimes i am overwhelmed with the thought of how many people there are living on this planet. how many problems there are, people trying to help these problems, religious issues, political issues, opinions, facts, ways to get your information; media, the news, books, blogs, opinions galore. it's just a bit exhausting thinking about how small i am and how much there is for me to learn and contribute to as i grace this planet. how much potential i have, how far i have to go, when it comes to living with purpose, on purpose, and using my time and my life wisely and not selfishly.

i was reading my new issue of relevant magazine this morning (which sometimes reminds me how small i am, and how much there is to be done) and, though i've not finished it, wanted to mention two great articles i already read:

"the untold story"- p. 6- cameron strang
"the problem of pride in the age of twitter" p. 24- brett mccracken

"the untold story" applauds George W. Bush for his huge contribution to global health via the PEPFAR intitiation in Africa in 2003. cameron strang gives amazing and appropriate recognition to our soon former president for doing the right thing- not for political benefit, but because it was the right thing.

"i believe to whom much is given, much is required," -President Bush
"i believe in the universality of freedom, and i believe freedom is universal because of an almighty God." -President Bush

"the problem of pride in the age of twitter" is piercingly true and convicting to me, someone who finds herself communicating and profiling on the internet way too often. it is scary how accurate brett mccracken's analysis is on how the internet has affected our generation- making us people who want to provide information and ideas rather than absorb ones that already exist, and are worth absorbing. it's way scary.

i can't even find just one or two quotes from this article to post. i just recommend that you read the entire article. if you are not a relevant subscriber, you'll be able to read it on their site soon.

i am humbled this morning by the fact that life is precious.
people are real.
profiles are not.
problems are real.
talking about them doesn't solve them.

i am going to go clean my room now. put up my christmas gifts. pray for a balanced life. of conviction followed by action. of awareness followed by education.

i want my life to count.
but not in a way that makes ME interesting to talk to, to read about.
not in a way that makes ME glamorous.

in a way that shows i am denying myself, and humbly following Christ.
the task is big, but God is the one who is required to be big, not me.


Kristin said...

love it!
great post Linds :)

Brooke Southerland said...

LOVE IT! I actually had a few tears fall down my face while reading this...I'm so quick to forget to stand behind God rather than stand in front. :) I'm such a kid-I seem to always want to see where I'm going instead of trusting that He's the best guide in the world and just allow people to see HIM. I wanna be the one that's interesting :) (selfish child) I too want my life to count in a such a way that it's written in God's books rather than mens'. Love what you stand for! Keep it up!

Shae Pendleton said...

Great stuff. I can totally relate. Trying to create identity, value, solutions... which can only begin in Him! So simple, yet sometimes I walk right past it.
Now I can't wait to read the new relevant issue... mine still hasn't arrived yet.

Check out and go to 'backgrounds'. This brings up a sidebar with a bunch of categories. I found mine under 'rock star', I think. The instructions are super simple! :)

Karla said...

hmmm.... i really really like this one.....

Anonymous said...

woah girl. i like reading your blog... i haven't in like years but this one is a good reminder to step back into the blogging world with Christ, and his fame alone, on my mind...not my furtherance. thanks! -E